Environmental Sustainability
Empowering a sustainable future with innovative solutions
We’re committed to providing innovative solutions that promote environmental sustainability. From reducing carbon footprint to conserving natural resources, we work towards creating a better tomorrow for future generations. Our range of products and services are designed to meet the evolving needs of our clients while minimizing their impact on the environment.
IoT & IIoT
Complete IoT offering including sensors, gateways and transmitters.
A range of smart IoT solutions specifically addressing the pain points of various industries and simplify otherwise cumbersome processes. Solutions are available for production automation, retail inventory management, smart home applications, and wearables for fitness monitoring. Proven records of deployment for multiple client use cases, the solutions are multifaceted enough to solve real problems.
Universal Gateways
Enable internet on any”Thing”.
Universal IoT gateways find versatile applicability in various industries by virtue of universal openness to standard interfacing protocols. With capability to run decisive algorithms the gateways offer to act as edge computing units, reducing back and forth data traffic between gateways and servers.
Matic Homes
Control, automate, schedule and monitor home appliances from mobile, Alexa and Google Home.
Matic Homes is an IoT based Home Automation solution that will enable the user to gain remote control over home appliances like lights, fans etc. Matic Homes are automated through the internet and the home appliances are controlled. The user commands over the internet will be obtained by the Wi-Fi modems. The smart wall unit has a human touch interface and is connected to the modem.
Smart Metering
Measure, quantify and bill water, electricity and gas in a smart way.
Smart meter offerings include smart connected and AMR enabled energy, water and gas meters with a variety of secured wireless connectivity options like GPRS, Nb IoT and LTE. The offerings transform conventional meters into smart, thanks to rich interface options viz., RS485, Modbus, Mbus and WMbus. Scenario based solution offering enables seamless metering and billing, combined with insightful analytics on consumption pattern, ultimately leading to demand side management and resource planning.
Sound Box for Payments
Sound Box for all your Payment Needs.
Introducing sound boxes such as Simple 1, Simple 2 and Unique 1 which caters to all the needs of the payments industry. The product is completely customisable with features including 2G/4G connectivity, WiFi and Bluetooth, Fast charging, Type C and SD Card options. The enclosure can also be designed and developed based on the requirements.
Industries We Serve
Our Team Members

Harsha Prasanna
B.E., M.S., MBA.,
Designated Partner

Raj Vignesh
B.E., M.S.,
Designated Partner

Suhas Kamath
Investor and Managing Partner